
  • Repair of all makes and models of rectifiers
  • Preventative maintenance program for rectifiers
  • Rectifier board repair
  • New and used parts
  • Rectifier bussing via high capacity/cost effective cables
Rectifier Service
JP Tech has been servicing all makes and brands of rectifiers of the metal finishing industry, for over 30 years. We offer on-site rectifier service at the customers’ facility, as well as refurbishing power supplies in our own facility. We stock almost all major components that are prone to failure, and offer them at competitive prices. We also carry some hard-to-find and obsolete parts, especially circuit boards.

Preventive Maintenance Program 
PMs greatly reduce downtime by identifying and fixing potential problems, as well as keeping our clients’ rectifiers at peak performance. Verifying output, meter calibration, visual inspection, cleaning, and checking ripple percentages are just some services included in our multi-point inspection program. We are sensitive to our customers’ needs and budgets, and we pride ourselves on honest solutions and service. PM programs are generally structured for quarterly visits. For out-of-state customers, we will work with you to set up an appropriate schedule.

Control Board Repair
JP Tech offers circuit board repair for all types of rectifier boards. We use replacement components that often times exceed the original manufacturer’s parts. This translates to more reliability in the metal finishing environment. All boards are fully recalibrated and generally resealed before shipping back to the customer. Repaired circuit boards save money and reduce downtime when you have spare control boards on hand. All board repairs carry a 90-day warranty.

Reconditioned Control Boards
We often keep reconditioned control boards in stock, for a fraction of the price. Please call to ask what's on our shelf.